Web development for OU Campus & higher education

Elizabeth City State University Web Redesign

By | 2016-01-10

ECSU’s redesign included many creative design pieces that presented fun challenges for implementing in a responsive environment.

In 2015, I worked with Vayakone Sphabmixay from the Sax Agency implementing their redesign for Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina. There were many creative design pieces that presented fun challenges for implementing in a responsive environment.

Historical Year Timeline

The timeline is both collapsible and adapts to mobile devices. In addition, with this and other dynamic pages developed—such as the Past Presidents of ECSU—a page scroll to the updated area was necessary to orient users to new information.

See the Pen Collapsible Timeline using Bootstrap's .panel. by Jeanine (@virtual) on CodePen.

Custom Weather Feed

If you use OmniUpdate for your Content Management System, you can set your feeds to republish every hour. This is perfect for third-party tools that are only free up to a number of page views. For ECSU, the weather feed was implemented using Weather Underground’s API and is re-published on an hourly basis.

Hover Tiles

The content tiles on ECSU’s admissions page were designed to link to other elements when a user hovers or clicks on a image.

Visit ECSU’s website at http://www.ecsu.edu/ to see the variety of page layouts and how they work on your devices—desktop, tablet and mobile!

Web development for OU Campus & higher education