Web development for OU Campus & higher education

Northeastern University’s College of Professional Students

By | 2016-01-03

Crafting a better responsive experience for higher education.

In the summer of 2014, I had the opportunity to develop the code for a design created by the team at I-SITE, INC. for the College of Professional Students in Boston, MA. Unlike new development work, this redesign required an update to the base code using only minimal CSS.

Before updating, this Web page had used mobile queries to (unfortunately) simply hide the “unnecessary” mobile elements to make the content disappear on smaller devices. However, many sources**—**including the book “Responsive Web Design (Brief Books for People Who Make Websites, No. 4) ” from Ethan Marcotte—explain that your Web content is important no matter the device!

Using only 200 lines of CSS, I was able to take this page from its previous design to an elegant responsive design which kept all content and formatted it appropriately.

As this was one of the first pages I implemented responsive web design in, it was an interesting and rewarding challenge. If you have a project which needs a quick update to make it mobile-friendly, let’s chat!

Visit the updated homepage at https://cps.northeastern.edu/.

Web development for OU Campus & higher education